Labex IBEID, Integrative Biology of Emerging Infectious Diseases.

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Trainings & events

Dynamizing scientific exchanges, transmitting the most current scientific knowledge, sharing and disseminating the knowledge produced by our partners, and contributing to the training of the most qualified scientists are missions carried out daily by Labex IBEID.

Key Figures of our Training Program

Labex IBEID supports the training of future researchers, from young scientists in Master's programs to the most senior Post-Doctoral researchers. Here are the key figures of the success of our training program.

35 Postdoctoral fellows

52 PhD Graduates

46 Master's Graduates

International courses & Trainings

The Labex IBEID aims to provide access to the most current scientific information and to train the researchers of tomorrow. In addition to funding for doctoral and post-doctoral scholarships, we support international courses and training developed and delivered by our partners. Find here all the courses and training programs offered by Labex IBEID.

Scientific Events

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